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Public GPS Traces

by sylvain_osm in Via Transilvanica, Long-distance trail, Hiking, Cycling, Horse riding, Romania, Putna, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Painted markers, Andesite stone, Art gallery, Suceava, Bistrița-Năsăud, Mureș, Harghita, Sibiu, Brașov, Alba, Hunedoara, Caraș-Severin, Mehedinți

Via Transilvanica

by Местный 2

Чучхурские водопады Домбай

by adrian_1985 in Porracolina, Lavalle, Mosquiteru, Pipiones, Socueva, Asón, Rolacias, Coventosa, Bucebrón, Buzulucueva, Chumino, Sotombo

Porracolina, Lavalle y Mosquiteru

by Varzuga in streetcomplete

Пешеходный/вело проход via StreetComplete 58.0

by vieuxnez in tracestrack

🔵 Type: Walking 🟢 Distance: 1.09 mi 🟡 Duration: 00:24:03 🔺 Max Altitude: 820.21 ft 🔻 Min Altitude: 790.68 ft

by stellz

тропа к Ине

by Местный 2

вдп Абай-Су

by stellz

просека у Истока

by gion274 in Rifugio Cesare Battisti, Passo Tre Croci, Porta di Campobrun, l'Omo e la Dona

Monte Plische

by stellz

Тропа до каньона на р. Исток

by ascanio12

sentiero del Ventrar

by Местный 2


by ggrimm


by save2desk


by jcn706 in osmand


by save2desk


by MrFrenchguy in streetcomplete

Endet genau am Knick des bereits eingezeichneten Weges (welcher fast verschwunden ist, und nicht mehr genutzt wird). Hat zur Strasse hin eine kleine Rampe für Rollstühle. via StreetComplete 58.0

by alimamo in Korea, Daejeon, ride, Gap, Yudeung, Daedunsan

South out of the city along Yudeung cheon, over to the "front" of Daedunsan, north along the Nonsancheon then over to the Gapcheon and home.

by Litus

rack circular Molí de la Crespiera. Camins antics força coberts de vegetació, però tots practicables a juny de 2024

by MyGPStracesRB in UGPS
